
Friday Jul 10, 2020
5 Mistakes Investors Make and How To Avoid Them
Friday Jul 10, 2020
Friday Jul 10, 2020
5 Mistakes Investors Make and How To Avoid Them:
Making mistakes is a normal part of life and starting out in investments is no exception. Knowing what the common mistakes in investing are, when you are likely to fall into them, and how to avoid them will help you succeed as an investor over the long run.
Join Crystal Langdon as she talks about the top 5 mistakes investors make and how you can avoid them!
- Market Timing
- Focusing on only one area of your portfolio
- Selling at a loss
- Assuming Volatility will go away
- Not using dollar-cost averaging
Join Crystal Langdon of Crystal Clear Finances, weekly, as she discusses practical steps that you can take in your finances and everyday life!
- Find out more about us on our website at http://crystalclearfinances.com/
- Listen on the radio every Saturday at 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM on WJIV 101.9 FM.
- For a daily dose of inspiration and courage - Follow us on Instagram!
- Join us live on Facebook, every Wednesday at 5:30 pm EST for Wealthy Wednesdays where we break down financial topics into bite-size pieces.
It's time your finances are Crystal Clear! Call us today at (518) 433-7181 and schedule your free initial consultation.

Friday Jul 03, 2020
Financial Independence Day!
Friday Jul 03, 2020
Friday Jul 03, 2020
What does financial independence mean to you? Knowing your personal definition can help guide you to your Financial Independence Day! Listen to this week's podcast to learn about the 7 habits to put into place to align your goals.
Show Topic: Financial Independence
- What does it mean to you?
- Avoid credit card debt
- Don’t try to keep up with the Jones'
- Understand Cash Flow
- Spend less then you make
- Pay Yourself first
Join Crystal Langdon of Crystal Clear Finances, weekly, as she discusses practical steps that you can take in your finances and everyday life!
- Find out more about us on our website at http://crystalclearfinances.com/
- Listen on the radio every Saturday at 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM on WJIV 101.9 FM.
- For a daily dose of inspiration and courage - Follow us on Instagram!
- Join us live on Facebook, every Wednesday at 5:30 pm EST for Wealthy Wednesdays where we break down financial topics into bite-size pieces.
It's time your finances are Crystal Clear! Call us today at (518) 433-7181 and schedule your free initial consultation.

Friday Jun 26, 2020
Financial Wellbeing
Friday Jun 26, 2020
Friday Jun 26, 2020
Do you have doubts about your Financial Wellbeing? Listen along as Crystal Langdon explains the bullseye of personal finances and how to build your own.
If you have any doubts about how your financial standings have faired during COVID-19, have your nerves calmed thorough an understanding of how money works. Let's do a temperature check on your Financial Wellbeing!
In Summary, ask yourself the following questions;
- Do you have savings for Core Expenses, Efficiency Items, and Fun?
- Was the stock market decline this year too bumpy for you?
Financial Plans are not one-size-fits-all, you can build a plan that works for your financial goals and risk tolerance!
Join Crystal Langdon of Crystal Clear Finances, weekly, as she discusses practical steps that you can take in your finances and everyday life!
- Find out more about us on our website at http://crystalclearfinances.com/
- Listen on the radio every Saturday at 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM on WJIV 101.9 FM.
- For a daily dose of inspiration and courage - Follow us on Instagram!
- Join us live on Facebook, every Wednesday at 5:30 pm EST for Wealthy Wednesdays where we break down financial topics into bite-size pieces.
It's time your finances are Crystal Clear! Call us today at (518) 433-7181 and schedule your free initial consultation.

Friday Jun 19, 2020
Here to Serve You W/ Programs & Protections!
Friday Jun 19, 2020
Friday Jun 19, 2020
Here to Serve You W/ Programs & Protections!
- What is the SIP program?
- What is the Retirement Transition and Tax Projection Plan?
- How does a Comprehensive Plan work?
- How Can these plans protect me?
Listen to today's podcast to hear about the ways that Crustal Clear Finances is here to serve you with a variety of programs and protections that are offered so that you can have confidence in your financial positions before and after retirement.
Join Crystal Langdon of Crystal Clear Finances, weekly, as she discusses practical steps that you can take in your finances and everyday life!
- Find out more about us on our website at http://crystalclearfinances.com/
- Listen on the radio every Saturday at 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM on WJIV 101.9 FM.
- For a daily dose of inspiration and courage - Follow us on Instagram!
- Join us live on Facebook, every Wednesday at 5:30 pm EST for Wealthy Wednesdays where we break down financial topics into bite-size pieces.
It's time your finances are Crystal Clear! Call us today at (518) 433-7181 and schedule your free initial consultation.

Friday Jun 12, 2020
The Big Reveal: Reviewing Your Financial Picture
Friday Jun 12, 2020
Friday Jun 12, 2020
The Big Reveal: Reviewing Your Financial Picture
It may feel uncomfortable to look at your portfolio right now but if you pay attention to your emotional response you can work with your financial advisor to make small tweaks to keep your risk tolerance reflected in your investments.
Join us as we discuss:
- The importance of reviewing your financial picture and seeing the impact of COVID19. In addition, understanding what it reveals to you.
- The possibility that your Risk Tolerance has changed perhaps was not aligned with your investments, to begin with.
Join Crystal Langdon of Crystal Clear Finances, weekly, as she discusses practical steps that you can take in your finances and everyday life!
- Find out more about us on our website at http://crystalclearfinances.com/
- Listen on the radio every Saturday at 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM on WJIV 101.9 FM.
- For a daily dose of inspiration and courage - Follow us on Instagram!
- Join us live on Facebook, every Wednesday at 5:30 pm EST for Wealthy Wednesdays where we break down financial topics into bite-size pieces.
It's time your finances are Crystal Clear! Call us today at (518) 433-7181 and schedule your free initial consultation.

Friday Jun 05, 2020
What You Need to Know About Social Security
Friday Jun 05, 2020
Friday Jun 05, 2020
What You Need to know about Social Security benefits before making any financial decisions!
In today's show, we will cover:
- FRA – what is it and how does it apply to me?
- COLA – what can be expected
- Maximum Benefit for 2020
- Can I work and still collect SS?
We all know we have to pay into Social Security but when it comes time to start taking from it, many Americans are unsure of what option is right for them…Listen now for clarity!
Join Crystal Langdon of Crystal Clear Finances, weekly, as she discusses practical steps that you can take in your finances and everyday life!
- Find out more about us on our website at http://crystalclearfinances.com/
- Listen on the radio every Saturday at 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM on WJIV 101.9 FM.
- For a daily dose of inspiration and courage - Follow us on Instagram!
- Join us live on Facebook, every Wednesday at 5:30 pm EST for Wealthy Wednesdays where we break down financial topics into bite-size pieces.
It's time your finances are Crystal Clear! Call us today at (518) 433-7181 and schedule your free initial consultation.

Friday May 29, 2020
How Crisis Can Impact How You Think About Finances
Friday May 29, 2020
Friday May 29, 2020
Show Topic: How Crisis Can Impact The Way You Think About Your Finances
- Connection
- Humans need to connect. Retiring communication and connection allows panic to reduce and clear thinking and functioning to increase
- Structure
- Routines become familiar and dependable. We thrive on structure, a sense of sameness. When the routine is broken we can re-establish by setting realistic goals and small victories
- Control
- Crisis removes the sense of control because there are no choices. Write down the items we can control and take action on
- Accomplishment
- We need areas where we can feel competent. Areas to use our gifting. To feel as if we are adding value
- Big Picture
- In the midst of a crisis, it is hard to see if we will make it through but we can remind ourselves of past experiences and our resiliency to overcome.
Join Crystal Langdon of Crystal Clear Finances, weekly, as she discusses practical steps that you can take in your finances and everyday life!
- Find out more about us on our website at http://crystalclearfinances.com/
- Listen on the radio every Saturday at 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM on WJIV 101.9 FM.
- For a daily dose of inspiration and courage - Follow us on Instagram!
- Join us live on Facebook, every Wednesday at 5:30 pm EST for Wealthy Wednesdays where we break down financial topics into bite-size pieces.
It's time your finances are Crystal Clear! Call us today at (518) 433-7181 and schedule your free initial consultation.

Friday May 22, 2020
The 4 C's in Creating Wealth
Friday May 22, 2020
Friday May 22, 2020
Crystal Langdon explores the 4 C's of Creating Wealth. Let's look at what you can control, what kind of compounding interest is good for you, the longterm cost of using cash, and the advantages of using someone else's money.
Listen today to learn about the 4 C's of Creating Wealth:
- Control
- Compounding Interest
- Cost of Opportunity
- Collateral Capacity
Learn how to play, so that you can win, the game of finances.
Join Crystal Langdon of Crystal Clear Finances, weekly, as she discusses practical steps that you can take in your finances and everyday life!
- Find out more about us on our website at http://crystalclearfinances.com/
- Listen on the radio every Saturday at 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM on WJIV 101.9 FM.
- For a daily dose of inspiration and courage - Follow us on Instagram!
- Join us live on Facebook, every Wednesday at 5:30 pm EST for Wealthy Wednesdays where we break down financial topics into bite-size pieces.
It's time your finances are Crystal Clear! Call us today at (518) 433-7181 and schedule your free initial consultation.

Friday May 15, 2020
9 Ways Financial Planning is Like Running a Marathon
Friday May 15, 2020
Friday May 15, 2020
Have you ever heard the saying "It's a Marathon, Not a Sprint"? Listen along as Crystal Langdon, CFP, brings to light the 9 ways that Financial Planning is like running a marathon. Consider pace, plan, rewards, and even gratitude. Put on your running shoes and plan your financial freedom with these 9 tips from Crystal Clear Finances!
Join Crystal Langdon of Crystal Clear Finances, weekly, as she discusses practical steps that you can take in your finances and everyday life!
- Find out more about us on our website at http://crystalclearfinances.com/
- Listen on the radio every Saturday at 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM on WJIV 101.9 FM.
- For a daily dose of inspiration and courage - Follow us on Instagram!
- Join us live on Facebook, every Wednesday at 5:30 pm EST for Wealthy Wednesdays where we break down financial topics into bite-size pieces.
It's time your finances are Crystal Clear! Call us today at (518) 433-7181 and schedule your free initial consultation.

Friday May 08, 2020
Women of Faith in Business
Friday May 08, 2020
Friday May 08, 2020
Women have the roadmap and the gifts of business within them. Therefore, with a little faith and a little hard work, you can unlock the wealth that has has been placed in this world for you.
In this episode, Crystal Langdon brings you through the four innate skills that you were born with.
- Administration
- Operations
- Finance
- Marketing
Join Crystal Langdon of Crystal Clear Finances, weekly, as she discusses practical steps that you can take in your finances and everyday life!
- Find out more about us on our website at http://crystalclearfinances.com/
- Listen on the radio every Saturday at 10:00 AM and 4:00 PM on WJIV 101.9 FM.
- For a daily dose of inspiration and courage - Follow us on Instagram!
- Join us live on Facebook, every Wednesday at 5:30 pm EST for Wealthy Wednesdays where we break down financial topics into bite-size pieces.
It's time your finances are Crystal Clear! Call us today at (518) 433-7181 and schedule your free initial consultation.